Abu Sayyaf Demands P30 M for German Hostage, Due on Feb 26

The Abu Sayyaf Group has threatened to execute their German captive if the P30-million ransom will not be paid by February 26.

In a video released yesterday, the terrorist group showed 70-year-old German hostage Jurgen Kantner at an undisclosed location, believed to be either in Sulu or Basilan.

Kantner and his partner Sabine Merz were sailing on their yacht Rockall off the coast of Sabah when the bandits accosted them in early November last year.

The abandoned yacht was later discovered off Pangutaran Island in Sulu. Merz's naked body was found in the yacht.

“We are still validating this. We must first examine this video because I for one have not seen it,” Col. Edgard Arevalo, Armed Forces of the Philippines-Public Affairs Office chief said.

The video presented Kantner kneeling and begging appeal to his family and his government to save him. Several heavily armed men were shown standing behind him.

The Abu Sayyaf last year executed two Canadian hostages, Robert Hall and John Ridssel, after the victims' family failed to pay the ransom.

Arevalo showed no signs of negotiating withe the bandit group. “The government, we do not negotiate with terrorists, we do not pay ransom to terrorists,” he said.

Arevalo added that the military will exert all effort to save Kantner.

He also said that as matter of national policy, the military discourages any group from paying ransom for the hostages.

“Our position has been consistent. We discourage payment of ransom because we believe that payment of ransom will only embolden them, will continue to capacitate them and they can even buy the loyalty of the community,” Arevalo said.

The military said Abu Sayyaf bandits are currently holding 27 local and foreign hostages in Sulu and Basilan.

Source / Image: The Philippine Star

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