F.B.I. Recommends No Charges for Hilary Clinton on Email

F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said Tuesday that the bureau would not recommend criminal charges against Hilary Clinton for her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state, an issue that lifts an enormous upset for her presidential campaign.

Mr. Comey rebuked Mrs. Clinton as being "extremely careless" in using a personal email address for sensitive communications. He also raised questions about her judgment that will affect her all throughout campaign.

According to Mr. Comey, to warrant a criminal charge, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified informations. However, the F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said in a statement that, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

The Justice Department is highly likely to accept the F.B.I.'s instruction.

White House officials said Mr. Obama did not know about Mr. Comey's recommendation ahead of time. It was later confirmed by Mr. Comey that he have not coordinated the statement in any way with the Department of Justicce or any other part of the government.

Source: The New York Times

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