HORRIFYING! Veterinarian Removes Dogs' Vocal Chords in the Street to Stop them from Barking

A veterinarian in China, who was allegedly unlicensed, was caught removing vocal chords of dogs in the street.

A man, with a surname Zeng, was the alleged vet who usually stays at a flower and bird market in Qingbaijiang district of Chengdu since September 14.

He allegedly injects anaesthetics to every dogs before cutting off their vocal chords in public.

For £5- £11 (depending on the dog's size), the vet conduct the operation with unsterilised equipment.

Apparently, this trend in China were patronized by pet owners who send their dogs to street veterinarian to stop them from barking.

Pictures and videos of the said devocalisation operations of dogs surfaced online and created outrage among netizens.

People, especially pet lovers, considers this malpractice as 'unnecessary' and 'cruel'.

He has his own booth where his equipment like thongs, a torch, cotton wool balls and tourniquets, were displayed on a folding table.

He puts a thong into the dog's mouth and cut off its vocal cords while his personal assistant holding the canine's mouth wide open with the help of two red strings.

He will throw the vocal cords out on the floor as soon as he get finished.

The veterinarian did not have any license to run his business.

In a matter of one hour, the vet can attend to 10 dogs. 

Officers from the Qingbaijiang Forestry Bureau visited the said market last September 17. They have found out that he did not have a license and was requested to halt his operation.

On the other side, few pet owners are complaining that their dogs are too loud so they wanted it to be devocalized.

According to China's Animal Epidemic Prevention Law, the service he offers didn't meet the standards for an animal clinic.

The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association claims that devocalisation is an "invasive procedure with the inherent risks of anesthesia, infection, blood loss and other serious complications."

PETA Asia, on the other hand, explained that this practice took away the natural ability of dogs to communicate.

Source: Daily Mail

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