WATCH: Juno's Final Approach to Jupiter

On July 4, NASA's Juno mission has finally arrived at Jupiter after carrying out a picture-perfect orbital insertion maneuver, speeding its way zooming deeper into the gas giant's gravitational well.

A few days before the success on Monday, Juno was keeping a close eye on its final destination.

In this stunning time-lapse video, from June 12 to June 29, Juno could easily see a crescent Jupiter, plus the bright points of light of the Galilean satellites. Volcanic Io is the innermost moon, followed by Europa and then Ganymede and Callisto into view later in the video on the top right.

During the Jupiter orbital insertion, mission managers powered down Juno's instrumentation to protect them from the surge in radiation. That is why no images of close approach were possible since the cameras were turned off.

Next photographs of Jupiter will be released in the coming weeks so expect for more closer views soon.

Source: Seeker

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