Kris Aquino Cried Foul Again Over A Netizen who Called Her Son Bimby A Gay

Queen of All Media Kris Aquino could not help but answer a netizen’s negative comment towards her son, Bimby Aquino-Yap, calling him gay.

The netizen came to Kris’s Instagram and said, “And Bimb is gay. At least he’s still young.”

This caught Kris’s attention and answered, “I have no issue w/ sexual preference BUT I do have an issue w/ you deciding for my son.”

If you have prejudices please express it elsewhere,” she added.

Kris Aquino’s close friend Pokwang even expressed her disappointment and anger to defend her friend’s son.

Bastos! Mas gugustuhin ko maging bakla anak ko kesa katulad mo bastos!” said Pokwang.

Source: Abante Tonite
Images: Starmometer

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