WATCH: Miss Universe Epic Q&A Answers That Won the Crown! [FULL TEXT INCLUDED]

A few days before the Miss Universe pageant at the Mall of Asia Arena on January 30, let's check out the past 6 years of the Miss Universe Question and Answer.

Here are the Miss Universe questions and the answers that got the crown from 2010 to 2016:

Miss Universe 2010: Ximena Navarrete, Mexico

Question: In your opinion, what effect is unsupervised internet use having on today's youth?

Answer: Well I do believe that the internet is an indespensable, necessary tool for the present time. And we must be very careful and watch over what our children watch and see, our teenagers watch and see and we must be sure to teach them the values that we learn as a family so that they may use the internet properly.

Miss Universe 2011: Leila Lopes, Angola

Question: If you could change one of your characteristics, which one would it be and why?

Answer: Thank God I'v very well satisfied with the way that God created me and I wouldn't change a thing. I consider myself a woman endowed with inner beauty, I have my principles. I have acquired may wonderful principles from my family and I plan to follow these through the rest of my life. And now I want to give you all a piece of advice: Respect one another.

Miss Universe 2012: Olivia Culpo, USA

Question: What is something you have done, that you will never do again?

Answer: First I'd like to start off by saying that every experience, no matter what it is, good or bad, you'll learn from it. That's just life, but something I've done that I've probably regretted would be picking on my siblings growing up because you appreciate them so much more when you're older, you get closer with your family, but everybody fights with their siblings, right? But I don't regret it.

Miss Universe 2013: Gabriela Isler, Venezuela

Question: What is your biggest fear and how do you plan to overcome it?

Answer: We should overcome all our fears and this in turn would make us stronger. As soon as we overcome our fears, we can face any challenge that will make us much stronger.

Miss Universe 2014: Paulina Vega, Colombia

Top Five Question: You probably heard all the time people ask you, "What can men learn from women." but I'd like to know what can women learn from men.

Answer: I believe that women ...that's quite a tough question ...I believe there's still men that believe in equality and I believe that is what women should learn from men.

Top Three Question: What is the greatest contribution of your contry to the world?

Answer: I believe that my country has been an example to be followed by the rest of the countries. We are perseverent people no matter what obstacle is in our way and we continue fighting for what we want to accomplish. That puts standing many difficulties we have gone through today's world leaders in many different matters and I am quite proud to represent it to all of you.

Miss Universe 2015: Pia Wurtzbach, Philippines

Top Five Question: Earlier this year, there was a controversy in the Philippines about the United States reopening a military base in your country. Do you think the United States should have a military presence in your country?

Answer: I think that the United States and the Philippines have always had a good relationship with each other. We were colonized by the Americans and we have their culture and our traditions even up to this day and I think that we're very welcoming with the Americans. And I don't see any problem with that at all.

Top Threee Question: Why should you be the next Miss Universe?

To be a Miss Universe is both an honor and responsibility. If I were to be Miss Universe, I will use my voice to influence the youth and I would raise awareness to certain causes like HIV awareness that is timely and relevant to my country which is the Philippines. I want to show the world, the universe rather, that I am confidently beautiful with a heart. Thank you.
Watch the video below.

Source: MervinJay/YouTube

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