Democrats Officially Nominate Hillary Clinton for President

History was made after Democrats triumphantly chose Hillary Clinton as their presidential nominee Tuesday night, being the first woman to ever lead a major political party into the general election.

It was a jubilant start to a night that included former Presidential Bill Clinton taking on the convention stage to deliver a personal validation for his wife. Sanders was also present, sat in the arena soaking in the cheers and waving to the crowd.

Though the convention belonged to Hillary Clinton, who will take on Republican Donald Trump in November, the night was like a celebration for both hers and Sanders' campaign.

Clinton's achievement overflowed the roll call with emotion and symbols of women's long struggle to break through political barriers.

"Tonight we will make history, about 100 years in the making," said Karen Finney, a senior adviser of Clinton's campaign.

The night focused on "telling her story" and "about the fights of her life." The stories were being told by a long list of lawmakers, celebrities and advocates. Among those pledging support for Clinton were "mothers of the movement" -- several black women whose children were victims of gun violence. Clinton met with the mothers and held events with them privately.

First lady Michelle Obama, who was a star of opening night, strongly stated that Clinton is the only candidate in the presidential race worthy of being a role model for the nation's children.

Sanders appealed to his supporters to not protest during the convention. Still, several hundred people gathered at Philadelphia's City Hall Tuesday chanting "Bernie or bust."

Trump cheered on this disruption. "Our politicians have totally failed you," Trump said in a convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in North Carolina. When Trump mentioned Clinton's name, the group answered with shouts of "Lock her up!" an echo of chants at last week's Republican convention.

Source: New York Post TV Guide

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