MUST WATCH: This Woman Blocks An Ambulance With Dying Patient Inside And Even Argues With the Driver!

 As a norm, whenever we hear an ambulance coming, we automatically give way as it usually transports someone in emergency or in a condition requiring immediate medical attention.

But this woman may not even know this basic knowledge. 

In a video uploaded by the Facebook Page “FilipiNews PH,"  a conceited woman was seen blocking an ambulance with a dying patient inside. She even had a heated exchange of argument with its driver.

The woman confronted the driver regarding an unknown previous incident. She was seen insisting her argument before the driver who is in a serious situation.

The ambulance was heading the emergency room when this arrogant woman blocked it. The driver told her to get out of his way because of the critical condition of his passenger.

Even if the driver already apologized for what he had done, primarily because of the patient's serious condition, the lady still insisted her side.

Watch the full video here:

Source: The Padder

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