The Latest on Social Media

Almost every month, social media changes, upgrades, downgrades, and more ad-ons just to make us feel comfortable and easier to communicate with. This is one of the reasons why we're so enthusiastic to see and experience more updates. And for social media sites, this is a competition.

Now that the holiday's over and it's whole new set of a year again, here are a few of updates that you must check out for a change.

Twitter's 140-character limit

One of Twitter's biggest pain is having character limits. Uploading an attachment or a quote from another Tweet always takes up a space from your character limit, making your Tweet shorter. Now, the new update allows you to keep all your 140-character limit despite attaching files!

Twitter 360 videos

You can now watch live 360-degree videos posted on Twitter. For those who are into the 360-degree video experience and still loyal to Twitter, you must try this!

Instagram stories

Instagram collates a bunch of your photos, creates a slideshow and shares your story. You can also edit your photos and video and keep posting as much as you want. The good thing about Story is it will disappear after 24 hours and won't appear on your feed again. This is to prevent over-posting, in return, allowing you to share as much as you want without pilling on your profile.

Facebook Messenger's Group Video Chat

Facebook's Messenger just rolled out its Group Video Chat. Now, the whole family and all your friends can video chat face-to-face all at the same time whenever, wherever. Now that's a total bonding!

Snapchat's Groups

While sending a Snap, you can create a Group up to 16 people. You can even access individual people within the Group for a private Chat and on a swipe you're back with the Group seamlessly. Snapchat also introduced the Scissors to create stickers and Paintbrush in to Memories.

Source: Manila Bulletin

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