Whale as Old as the Titanic Spotted in the Pacific

The killer whale nicknamed "Granny," who was believed to be an astonishing 105-years-old, was spotted by whale watchers off the coast of Washington last week.

J2 is Ganny's more formal name among scientists who have studied her for decades. The Orca Network uses both her names in their post about her sighting: "“J2 Granny (oldest southern resident orca) looking gorgeous. She and J27 spent more time out of the water than in it!”

Female orcas typically live about 50 years, but a rare few have been known to reach 100. Granny appears to be in this list, or at least close to it.

Researchers who spotted her in 1971 marked her age at 60. The Orca Network tells KIRO-TV that the margin of error is 12 years, meaning she could be a youthful 90.

So far, the images show the creature still doing well. If the older figure is correct, the creature has existed the same time as the Titanic and made it through the world wars, according to the Charlotte Observer.

Source: FOX59

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