'Overwatch' Celebrates the Olympic Games with New Skins and a Brand New Lúcioball Mode

Overwatch players can now celebrate the Summer Olympic Games with a bunch of new skins, sprays, and a new brawl model called Lúcioball.

Starting today, and for the rest of the Olympic games, any new Loot Boxes you earn or purchase will have a new Olympic-themed look. Inside Loot Boxes, you'll have a chance to find new Olympian cosmetic items, such as skins and sprays, emotes and victory poses and so forth.

Players can earn these Loot Boxes during normal play, as always. However, you can't purchase these special items with credits. Every crate you earn or purchase is guaranteed to have at least one Summer Games item.

The new Lúcioball Brawl should also be fun especially to seeing this many Lucio's going toe-to-toe. It also brings the soccer/football into Overwatch which is really cool.

The assigned arena is built to amplify Lucio's abilities, with jump pads and speed-boosting wall. This will also allow players to punch, glide, block, bounce, and boop their way to victory.

Lucio's primary has been replaced with melee attack, allowing him to punch the ball. Some changes also include Lucio's ability to pull the ball towards himself with Sound Barrier.

Each match lasts just four minutes. Whoever gets the most goal before the time runs out, wins.

Source: Forbes

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