Anti-Islamic Senator to Control Australia's Senate

Australia is being "swamped by Asians," mosques need to have security cameras, halal-certified food is funding terrorism and "Communist China" shouldn't own Australia's electricity. These words all came out from the mouth of the woman who is know one of Australia's most powerful politician, newly elected senator Pauline Hanson.

The confirmation was released last week, along with three other members of her One Nation party, according to the Australian Electoral Commission.

The result makes hers the fourth largest party in the Senate, meaning the government will need her support to pass all legislation, unless they turn to the left-wing Labor and Greens parties.

With 78 overall in the Australian Senate, and 39 required to pass or block legislation, Hanson's four One Nation senators can join the 35 Oppositions and Green party members to stop any legislation.

Among Hanson's One Nation party policies are having surveillance cameras in mosques, banning the burqa, stopping Muslim immigration to Australia and holding a national inquiry to Islam.

Australia's Muslim community is deeply concerned about the rise of Hanson's party.

Source: CNN

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