Footballer ejected for 'farting too loud' in a match

No one is safe from bad stomach and its adverse effects could strike anytime.

Just ask this Swedish footballer, who let out a boisterous fart in the middle of a football match. The "oomph" was so loud that he was slapped with two yellow cards and a red card which warrants an automatic ejection -- an act that the officials believe to be a “deliberate provocation” and “unsportsmanlike behavior.”

The 25-year-old Adam Lindin Ljungkvist explains, “I had a bad stomach, so I simply let go, then I received two yellow cards and then red. Yes, I was shocked, it’s the strangest thing I have ever experienced in football.”

“I spoke to the referee afterwards, I was annoyed, but there were no bad words. I just said he was a buffoon,” he adds.

Kristoffer Linde, the rival team’s striker, confirmed that he heard the indecent wind eruption. He told local media, “I was standing a good distance away but I heard the fart loud and clear. It’s the strangest thing I’ve seen on a pitch, and I’ve been playing football since I was eight years old.”

The officiating referee, Dany Kako, claims that he perceived the indecent behavior as a "deliberate provocation" and sensed that the player’s fart was "on purpose and inappropriate." This was also not the first time Kako evicted a player for mischievous doings, as he also penalized a player not too long ago for leaking next to the pitch.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer
Image: BBC

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