WATCH: Pornhub Launches a New Site and It is Suitable for Younger Audiences!

Porn might be the best way to learn the basics and mechanics of intercourse. But beyond visual aesthetics of adult-themed videos are various bits of information we still need to know that watching porn alone could not provide.  

The same way, sex education, which was apparently integrated in schools, may not tell it all openly or may lack resources to present these kind of stuff in a classroom setting. 

That's why Pornhub, a leading porn site, recently launched a sub-site called "Pornhub Sexual Health Center” that they claim as suitable for younger audiences. 

 “Our goal is to provide our visitors with a site that has credible and insightful information, rather than have them scouring the internet," Corey Price, Pornhub's Vice President. 

Price added that they target to appeal to readers seeking sex tips and more information on reproductive health. 

If parents don't want to let their teenagers watch porn to learn sexual things, this sub-site might be a good alternative as a library of resources to materials that will educate your children with things they must know. 

The sub-site aims to provide formal lessons on biology, health, managing relationships, sexual safety, etc. 

It will be operated by a team of doctors, therapists, and other experts led by its director, Dr. Laurie Betito, a renowned sexual therapist. 

Source: Mashable
Image: Pornhub

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