Study: 50% of All Women Have a Back Up Lover

It's always good to have a fall back plan in for nature trips, reservations and weekend adventures. But for some women, they also have "reserved" lovers, according to a recent survey.

A recent survey of 1,000 women conducted by found out that 50 percent have a "fall back partner" in case of a failed marriage.

According the survey, the most common plan B's for a spouse are old friends with romantic history, an ex-boyfriend, an ex-husband, colleagues or "someone from the gym."

Ten percent of the respondents admitted that their backup guy had already confessed his love in the past, and 20 percent asserted that the dude would "drop everything" to be with her, if she would only ask.

A spokesperson for, the online market research company who conducted the survey for the, said: "For our research to establish that 50 percent of women in relationships have a "plan B" is a worrying sign."


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