President Affirms ‘Special Relations’ With Vatican in His Letter to Pope

President Rodrigo Duterte has sent a letter to Pope Francis to assure his respect to the pontiff and affirms the country's "special relations" with the Vatican.

The President has asked Presidential Adviser on Peace Process Jesus Dureza to send his personal letter to the Pope in Rome, amidst the peace talks between the government and the CPP-NPA-NDF.

“With profound respect, I have the honor to extend my own and my people’s warmest greetings to Your Holiness,” reads the President’s letter.

“Our countrymen remember Your Holiness’ apostolic visit in 2015 with deep appreciation, knowing that it was made with the most sincere regard for the welfare of the Church’s flock. The Philippines values its special relations with the Holy See and regards with gratitude your Holiness’ gracious stewardship of the Catholic faith.”

The letter ended with Duterte's request: “Please accept, Your Holiness, the assurance of my highest esteem and respect.”

Dureza said he would hand over the President's letter to the Vatican early in the day.

“Tomorrow, we will be at Vatican in the morning to hopefully meet the Pope in the ‘bacciamano’  kissing of the hand , (done only on Weds) and possibly hand to His Holiness a personal letter of President Duterte thanking Him for the Phil papal visit last year,” Dureza said in a Facebook post.

Dureza, a close ally of the President, traveled to Rome mainly to attend another round of peace negotiations between the government and the local communist group.

Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella confirmed Duterte has written a letter to the Pope but declined to reveal its content, “The letter is not open to others. It was simply directed to the Pope,” Abella said in a Palace press conference.

Source: Manila Bulletin
Image: Politiko

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