Duterte: No Compelling Reason to Declare Martial Law

There is no compelling reason for President Rodrigo Duterte to declare martial law, said the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Monday.

According to AFP spokesperson Brigadier General Restituto Padilla, the military has not yet made any recommendation to the president to declare martial law, noting that government troops are able to fulfill their duties.

He also added that declaring martial law is a political decision.

Duterte said in his speech Saturday night that he is willing to impose martial rule in support of his war on drugs.

The President has raised the prospect of imposing martial law previously, but Saturday's comments were the most direct threat.

Martial rule would allow Duterte to use the military to enforce civilian law and detain people at length without charging them.

Three decades ago, the Philippines already endured martial law during the 20-year rule of dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

Marcos declared martial law in 1972, invoking the threats of crime and a communist insurgency, and officially lifted it in 1981.

His rule ended in 1986, when millions took to the streets in the largely bloodless military-backed "People Power" revolt.

To avoid another dictatorship, a new constitution was drawn up in 1987, specifying a single six-year presidential term. It also states that the president could impose martial law rule just for 60 days and only to stop an invasion or a rebellion.

Congress can revoke the measure within 48 hours while the Supreme Court can review its legality.

Source: ABS-CBN

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