Can You Find This Woman's Legs in This Viral Group Photo?

A photo of group of friends posted on Reddit instantly went viral as netizens went crazy figuring the image out.

At first glance, the picture appears normal -- just a group shot of six ladies sitting on a couch in what appears to be an old winter gathering.

But when you see it appears that someone is missing her legs! The third girl from the left seems to have no legs!

Hundreds of Redditors took on the original poster's challenge to "find the middle girl's legs." Most people could only find five pairs of legs but there are obviously six smiling faces in the photo.

Some believed that this woman with the missing legs was simply "womanspreading" - with one leg draped over the friend to her left and one leg tucked under the woman to her right.

Other Reddit users believed that the woman on the left-most was simply "sitting on top of her own feet, thus hiding the bottom part of her legs from the camera.

So eventually, people have started using colors to makes sense of it all.

The lady with the missing legs, Anna Mantifel, turns out to be just as baffled by her lack of legs, too.

“Essentially we thought we were taking a girls’ picture down here at our friend’s house,” Mantifel, who clearly does have two legs, told “Fox & Friends.” “When the picture was later posted to Facebook ... I commented, saying, ‘This is so weird. Where are my legs?’”

So what’s actually happening here? It’s just an optical illusion.

Take a look:

Let's move on now, people.

It wasn't the third lady from the left after all. It was the second lady with the missing legs!

Source: Huffington Post

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