Will Smith addressed western Islamophobia and Donald Trump during a recent press conference in Dubai. The 47-year-old actor was promoting his new comic book movie, Suicide Squad, when the conversation turned to the GOP nominee.
"As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk, and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it's good," Smith said. "We get to hear it. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country."
The most controversial issue surrounding the Republican nominee is his call for "total and complete shutdown" of Muslins entering the U.S. until "our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
"Just put out a very important policy statement on the extraordinary influx of hatred & danger coming into our country. We must be vigilant!" Trump said in a tweet, December 7, 2015.
Smith told the reporters that anti-Islamic sentiment like Trump's is a big part of the reason why he made the trip to Dubai.
Smith also emphasized that he's having fun in Dubai. "Hey, doesn't look like they hate me, does it?" he added.
While Smith aired his grievances overseas, Rose McGowan had even stronger words addressed to "Enablers and Donald." She refers Trump as "a murderer in the making."
After the Republican National Convention, she wrote an open letter to a rabid Trump supporter, saying:
I realize now the letter was for you, Donald and media men. It's you I've been wanting to talk to. You who have been stressing me and most of the nation out to the point of a diagnosable sickness. WE ARE BEING POISONED. We, the public, are being sickened by an ever expanding assault on our right to live a healthy and free life. Donald and you ratings-driven colluders are holding us, the public, hostage and exposing us to disease.Source: ET Online
I do not want to live my life this way," she continued. "I am a proud AMERICAN & GLOBAL CITIZEN who's head is bowed to her knees in because she is sickened every day. Because of you. It is NOT most of America who should be ashamed, it is YOU for propagating this propaganda.
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