They say that the first place to overcoming a problem is realizing that you have one in the first place. Acknowledge it. As much as smartphones can really make things easier when it comes to studies and work, it also has a side effect where people gets too attached on it.
Though long before the smartphones even existed, just as soon as phones started to have an ability to send text messages and take pictures, it's already an irresistible technology anyone so badly wants to have.
The ability to instantly connect to the internet is what makes smartphones boom to greatness for the first time. Next is the selfie. Then the trends. But the thing is, internet is really what makes us addicted to our phones, right?
Phone is an inevitable necessity. Most of the time, we just have to keep them near us, even on our beds, most of the time, just in case of emergencies. But these days, we just can't let go of them. The addiction is like a magnet between our hands and our devices.
Back then, the moment you touch your phone is only when you have to text someone. And back then, everyone thought texting is already a crisis. Being able to send emails through phones is already an upgrade.
Now, the moment you touch your phone, you know you already want to open Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Or take a snap of your daily pic to post online.
As a newbie smartphone user, I can't deny the temptation given by this new technology. At first I thought it'll help me make my work easier. I'm a self-taught artist that's why I keep a lot of references in my phone. But that was until I realized that instead of studying references, my phone's internet access got hold on me. At first, it's really fascinating, until you realize that you're getting way too addicted to it.
It's almost the same feeling when we're using our computers and get stuck for hours on Facebook or Tumblr. It's just that, smarphones make them easier to access. Anytime. Anywhere. You don't have to wait for a start up. You just have to swipe your phone's screen lock.
Since my eyes are sensitive and hurts when exposed to screens (monitors, TVs, phone screens) for a long time, I know I'm already exceeding my limits.
But for those how haven't realized their limits yet, here are some signs to determine that you're truly addicted:
- Your phone is the first thing you pick up in the morning. Nothing's wrong about checking time or text messages. It's okay to check your Messenger too if it's really that relevant for work or school. But if you're just checking for the Likes and the Comments, then you're probably addicted. Most of the time, this leads to hours of getting stuck on your News Feeds before you leave the bed.
- It's like a drug. Once you get bored, it's the first thing you pick up other than anything else. When you're lazy, you tend to pick up the phone. When you're mad, you also pick up the phone. You just can't resist it.
- Photos. Click here. Snap there. Post now. Just like what I've said before, we're in the era of trends and fame. You just can't resist taking a selfie or a snap of your lunch.
- There's no such thing as conversation at all. Family members can't talk to you at all. You feel like there's a bigger family online than what you have now. You'd rather tap your phones than watch your daily shows with the family.
- You'd rather look into the internet news than the TV and newspaper headlines.
- You'd rather read e-books than paper novels.
- You tend to drop your phone on your face because you're dozing off.
- You just got to get all the Pokemon in the area.
So, how do we get over this addiction?
- Try leaving it on the table.
- List down your priorities. If you don't need your smart phone's help for most of your day then it's better to turn off it's WiFi connection for a while.
- Take a look around. Unless you don't have a wall clock or any other types of clock at home, you don't have an excuse to use your phone just to check time. Need to check the temperature or weather, open your window or go outside.
- If you're bored, get yourself a book. If you're not a reader, bring something that can keep you occupied for the day. Try some undiscovered hobbies.
- Get out of your room or off the couch and start talking to real people.
- Schedule your days of being a Pokemon trainer. Remember, it's just a game.
Don't get yourself crazy over it. It won't leave you. It'll always be with you. You just got to realize that nothing's gonna change if you don't access it all the time.
And trust me, once you get over it or just achieve just a few factors in the list, watch this video and I bet you'll get this same victorious feeling too. REALLY.
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