Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamic extremists have a new leader who is threatening to bomb churches and kill Christians while ending attacks on mosques and markets used by ordinary Muslims, according to an interview published by the Islamic State group.
The new "wali" was identifies as Abu Musab al-Barnawi, governor of its so-called West Africa Province. The "wali" title was previously used to describe long-time Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.
There are no reports about Shekau's current status but there have been rumors that he had been replaced.
The interview with al-Barnawi indicates a major shift in strategy for the Nigerian extremists.
These Nigerian extremists, who have killed more Muslims than Christians in attacks in mosques with suicide bombers and gunmen, have also been killing and kidnapping schoolchildren. The targeting of students accounts for its nickname "Boko Haram," which means "Western education is sinful or forbidden."
Wednesday's announcement indicates a coup by Boko Haram breakaway group Ansaru against Shekau, and follows a trend of extremist Islamic group moving away from al-Qaida to the Islamic State.
Ansaru broke away from Boko Haram because it disagrees with the indiscriminate killing of civilians, especially Muslims.
Last week, Boko Haram ambushed a humanitarian convoy, killing three civilians including a U.N. employee and causing the suspension of U.N. aid to newly liberated but still dangerous areas of Nigeria's northeast.
Source: The New York Times
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