New Emoji for Facebook

If you are a frequent Emoji user, you must be excited about this. Facebook has revealed that 1,500 new emojis were added to the Messenger app, which includes different characters that will be uniquely found just in the app itself. The Unicode Consortum approved 72 new emojis that are expected to be added on iOS and Android later this year. Even NBA superstar Steph Curry gets his own emoji keyboard to build on his brand.

The new Facebook Messenger includes same-sex couples, a baby with a pacifier, a Sikh man, a Queen’s Guard man and a woman getting her hair cut. The new Facebook Messenger emoji also has an option to change the range of skin tone. And the yes, red hairs are finally welcome to have their own emoji as well.

 Since women are the most frequent users of emojis, Facebook decided to add more various emojis based on every woman’s activity, better way to represent a woman.

However, not all platforms have kept up with the new emoji standards and your desired emoji will either look like the way it was before or it wouldn’t appear at all.

Last month, Google designed a set of 13 emoji that also represents professional women in a variety of careers including a female software engineer, a teacher, a rock start, a farmer, a doctor, a chemist, and a construction worker. Those emoji were submitted to the Unicode Consortum for approval.

The Unicode Consortum, a non-profit organization that handles text expressed in digital writing system including emoji on mobile devices, has approved 72 more emoji. On June 21, the new set of emoji will be added to the Unicode 9.0 standard which means Apple will likely release new emojis in an iteration of iOS 10 sometime between September and December. Nexus devices will also likely to receive the new emoji by fall but all Android devices’ compatibility will still vary on the manufacturer’s software updates.

Source: Forbes

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