How Can You Help Heal the World?

Every year, people are being warned about the facts of global warming but are we listening? In the generation ran by technology and easy life, are we still aware of these things? Are we still concerned?

Factors such as rapid diminishing sea creatures, pink snows, Arctic and Antarctic slowly melting, animal extinction, quick spreading forest fires, and even the seasons changing out of it's expected months are just a few of global warming's effect. Rainy seasons and typhoons decades ago aren't as worse as what we have today. It is also expected for the water tides to rise after this century.

Every year we get stories of tragedies caused by typhoons and floods. It is a horror move slowly approaching in real life and before we know it, it's already right in front of our eyes. The world needs saving. The world needs healing.

Now, where do we start? How do we really heal the world? Even a single person can contribute a big factor here. Just simple sacrifices at home or at work can make you a real hero.

Have a Greener Lifestyle

Everything we do daily tends to emit CO2 into the atmosphere without noticing it. One thing that can help reduce this is by lessening the usage of vehicle transportation. If your work place or school is just nearby, using a bike or walking is a better alternative. Other than giving you a good exercise to start your day, you can help reduce the CO2 production within that day.

Lessening the usage of electricity is also a plus here. A simple turning off the lights or an air conditioner when not needed is already a big factor.

Make Your Own Garden

And who said that gardening is just for girls? Anyone has to have plant at home or even on their desks. A real plant! Plant a tree or keep some plants on your pots. It may sound really geeky but we all know that trees and plants contribute a big role here. Let's go back to our elementary education about Carbon Cycle. 

Plants are known to use Carbon Dioxide for Photosynthesis and in return gives out Oxygen in the air and literally keeps the air clean. Now, imagine breathing clean and fresh air at home or even in the cities. If you are an avid traveler, you should notice that the greener the area, the more you feel fresher.

Eat Less Meat

51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture due to the release of methane from wastes into the atmosphere.

Though being a vegetarian is the best answer to this matter, we can't force people to convert their diet that easily. However, if you can sacrifice your diet for the greater good then be a vegetarian. If you can't, then it is good to learn how to balance your diet on meat and vegetables. This may not completely stop the meat consumption but this can definitely lessen it.

Sort Your Trash and Recycle

As kids, we were taught how to sort our trash from biodegradable, non-biodegradable to recyclable bottles and can. But these are not just kiddie activities. As a matter of fact, it's a start on saving the Earth.

Did you know that just by throwing a piece of plastic, you can easily block a hole or a tube's passage way? Every year we see news reports of cities being flooded due to clogged water drainages caused by trash.

As a start, use paper bags or use re-usable bags for groceries.

Recycle. Crafty or not, this is a big factor for your environment and even on your budget. Remember, not everything is disposable.

Cut Less, Plant More

Though cutting trees is inevitable due to some necessities such houses and furnitures, it is a must of us to replace them. If you are a not so busy person, you can get involved with some green movements on planting trees to save humanity.

Teach and Spread the Word

Be an example. Be an example to your kids, your siblings, your parents or even your friends. Practice these daily and teach the act to everyone you know. Help them understand and see the effects and the consequences. It is a must for the future generation to be open to these facts at a young age.

Share your accomplishments and your concerns. Use the advantage of social media to spread the word.

Climate change is really terrifying but can be fought before it\s too late. Being aware of your environment is nothing that should be ashamed of. Saving the world should be something that you should be proud of.

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