Coal dust risk to Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

SYDNEY, Australia – A study released on Tuesday found that high concentration of coal dust can quickly kill coral on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

The research by the Australian Institute of Marine Science discovered coal dust could also slow the growth rate of seagrasses and fish.

According to Kathryn Berry, corals exposed to the highest concentrations of coral dust died within two weeks and corals exposed to lower concentrations of coal lasted longer, yet most of them also die after four weeks of exposure.

She noted that while some fish and seagrass died from coal dust exposure, most stunted their growth by half compared to clean water.

The study found coal dust entered the marine environment at loading and storage facilities, or when it is blown into the sea during transport.

Even though the major spill on a coral reef or seagrass meadow is still low, consequences are clearly seen now.

Researchers hope the results will send a message to coal shipping companies in Australia and across the world.

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