If You See a Dollar Sign “$” at Your Door, Call the Police Immediately! YOU MIGHT BE IN DANGER!

Residents of Marikina have growing conerns over this new modus operandi wherein robbers were marking their target houses with a mysterious dollar sign - "$" .

Daisy San Pedro-de Sahagun warns everyone about robbers marking the doors ang gates of target houses with the dollar sign or a simple "S" as she has one in her own gate marked on their house number.

Other residents in Marikina, particulary on Tangerine St., Hacienda Ave. and Olive St., have seen similar markings as well.

De Sahagun said that her cousin discovered the same dollar sign "$" as well on her house wall and immediately notified the police. The authorities confirmed that the mark was the thief's or thieves' code for robbery.

Police officers in the area has searched around the vicinity for similar markings. 

They advised everyone to take extra precaution and report to the authorities immediately if they see the "S" sign or the dollar mark "$" on their properties.

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