Donald Trump's Soft Spot for Dictators

Donald Trump has openly expressed his admiration for foreign dictators and autocrats, from Vladimir Putin to Saddam Hussein.

Critics call this admiration as a fixation and a window on how Trump will govern the country if elected.

Among those who gets Trump's praises are:

  • Saddam Hussein

Trump's assessment of Hussein's crimes sounds almost approving. He also said that Hussein "would kill the terrorists immediately, now it's the Harvard of terrorism."

  • Kim Jong Un

Trump called North Korea's Kim a "maniac," then riffed with some awe on the young despot's bloody rise to power. He also admires the fact that Kim was young but responsible enough to take on his father's job.

  • Moammar Gadhafi

Trump often pairs the former Libyan dictator with Hussein as a means to attack Clinton. Now, with Libya emerging as a second home to ISIS fighters, he has been vocal in his repeating belief that "we would be so much better if Gadhafi were in charge right now."

  • Vladimir Putin

"He's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country," said Trump on MSNBC in December.

He was also praised by Putin for being "an outstanding and talented personality" who had emerged as "the absolute leader of the presidential race."

  • Benito Mussolini

Trump stopped short of endorsing Mussolini's governing style, but couldn't deny his attraction to a quote widely attributed to the World War II-era Italian fascist leader and staunch ally of Adolph Hitler.

Source: CNN

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