3- and 4-Year-Old Boys Sold Lemonade at NYC Pride to Raise Money for Orlando Victims

Left to right: Finn, Sam, and Dean

Thousands of people lined New York City streets on Sunday, in celebration of the LGBT Pride.

With the recent Orlando shooting, this year's parade had some somber elements. Some of the marchers carried banners and signs commemorating the victims of the Orlando tragedy.

Among those doing their part were three very young men who set up a lemonade stand to raise money to aid victims of the Orlando shooting tragedy.

Four-year-old Sam Bernstein, who set up "3 Boys Lemonade: Pride of the Village", said he opened the stand with his friends Finn Madden (4 years old) and Dean Haines (3 years old), "because I love selling things and we're doing it to make persons happy."

According to Finn, who was wearing a shirt with colors of rainbow, the business has been good, receiving a $20-tip from three police officers during the first hour.

“One cup is $1,” he said. “And two cups is two,” he added, holding up two fingers.

Just off Fifth Avenue and East 11th Street, patrons were treated to a cool glass of lemonade and a free rainbow cookie, just for $1. Best of all, the profit will go to the victims of the Orlando massacre.

According to Finn's mom Michelle Madden, the boys "felt like selling lemonade and loved the idea of living the life that you want, the way you want to live it."

“When I told Finn about the parade, maybe it’s because they’re so young, he said, ‘Well of course people should be able to marry whomever they want,'” Ms. Madden said.

Sam's mother Stephanie Bernstein said "we love raindbows and cookies. Although I think they're eating all the profits."

3 Boys Lemonade was became a big hit, raising $117 in total and only closing when they ran out of cups.

"Sam had so much fun," Ms. Bernstein said. "We really have been working to instill in him the values of openness and love, but he was really just excited about the rainbows and the cookies.

Photos: BuzzFeed
Sources: NY Times BuzzFeed

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