LOOK: His Phone Explodes In His Pocket And Sets His Jeans On Fire. Here's Why!

Andy Spence just noticed that smoke  is coming out from his pocket. His colleagues had to shout for help.

"I was away in one room and could here somebody shouting for help over the noise of me working, so I ran out of the room and he was there with his jeans smoking really badly and his phone on the floor, red hot," Andy said. 

"He had been working up a step ladder when he noticed the room filling with smoke so he looked down and could see three- or four-inch flames coming from his pocket and his leg getting warm.

"He panicked got down the ladders and called for help - luckily, somebody had a bottle of water to hand and threw it over his leg so he could get his phone out of his pocket.

"He was obviously a bit shaken up. The battery was facing outwards and burnt through his jeans. If it was the other way round, God knows what it would have done to his leg."

His phone was said to be a Samsung A3.

It is said that the direct cause of the explosion is its battery. 

Source: LADBible

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